Former Tahidi high show actor Joseph Kinuthia AkA Omosh revealed that he doesn’t live with his first wife Judy, better known to us as  Mrs Ngatia, in the house that he was gifted  by well-wishers after he opened up about his financial predicaments.

He says that he made the decision to live with his second wife since she has younger children.

Omosh stated that With time, he will build a house for Mrs Ngatia at his rural home in Karura.(siashakunywa pesa yote)

Mrs Ngatia on the other hand confessed that Omosh’s money never helped her at all.

She has many debts and currently lives in a small bedsitter in Kayole with her three children.

She currently has rent arreas of two months totalling to 10,000 Kenyan shillings.

She says that the COVID-19 pandemic affected her financially and she no longer gets many acting gigs as before.

She is now pleading to Kenyans to donate cash so that she can also get a mabati one bedroom house of her own.

Most of the time, landlords harrass her because they think she has money since she is Omosh’s wife.

Watch the interview here;

How a man can priotize his second wife over the first is still unclear. Anyway please turn on that red notification bell on your right for more gossips