Komic gang is a rib-cracking comedy crew consisting of veteran comedians such as Sleepy David, Mitchy, Austine Muigai, Timo Ndisii, and Mc Eddie.
This gang has ventured into the comic world with another wave of pranking Kenyan celebrities. The Komic gang recently uploaded a video bearing the title “Dating in Nairobi.”
They had featured a clip of the flamboyant comedian Ithagu Kibicho, famously known by his stage name Henry Desagu, without his awareness.
This clip prodded Henry Desagu to issue a warning to the team leader of the Komic gang, Sleepy David, to pull down the clip. Sleepy David appeared reluctant to act as per the warning.
Henry Desagu finally has caused a stir online after posting a clip of Sleepy David handcuffed.
Desagu had captioned the video,” Sleepy David I warned you.” This post has resulted in controversial reactions online. Some of the comments from the netizens.
Some have seen this clip as a way of chasing clout for the upcoming comedy crew. Their reactions were as follows:
Dessy: pia Comedy iko na kiki 😂😂😂😂.
It’s Mitchy: mumesema hii video lazima itrend.
Pranking of Henry Desagu comes second after the group had pranked the gifted Kiss Fm radio presenter Kamene Goro. They had mirrored the situation that a certain pastor from Mombasa had written a hundred paged love letter to Kamene Goro. This prank went viral too